Anyway... Where was I? Oh yeah. Being a poor ass. Ok so yeah for the next 2 months until Toddy gets his 3 month pay rise and once we've recovered from the fiscal nightmare that has been the past 10 months shit's guna be painful. When I was single being poor shat me but it was more like a challenge! Plus it kept me thin! Now that's fucking optimism beyond delusion! Fucking ignorant youth how I miss thee! Now I'm too old and bitter for a challenge and as for staying thin... Well the chunky boat has well and truly sailed on that one! Now, being poor means thinking up scams so my chunky boy can have milk in his bottle and Huggies on his super cute chunky butt! But all this scamming got me thinking... Todd's FINALLY got the job of his dreams... So the money issue isn't that much of an issue... But how many people are actually doing what they want to do? Then I got to thinking... If I could do anything and be paid for it what would I do.... And it's then I realised... I'm already doing what I want to do... I've just gotta figure a way to get paid for it!?! 1st one is being a Mum... I'm good at it and the rewards take a huge dump on the chest of any other career opportunities I've come across. Obviously I'm not getting paid for this but this is a long term investment... Do a good job at Mumming it up and my kids may still talk to me when I get old! Aaaahahaha. Oh god! I'm going in a home! The other thing I love is blogging. But once again... Not getting paid for it... So feel free to start paying me - I take cash, money orders and empty promises!
You know when someone just walks right into a joke... Like they just bend over right in front of you, lube up their butt with gullible and hand you the joke dildo!?! And even if it's your mother or your best friend you gotta say 'fuck it' and go with the funny!
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Merry FUCKING Christmas! |
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Mindy's number plate! |
refusal to shower and drops her mongrel moot.
Aaahahaha sorry... MONGREL MOOT!
Being rejected by every male in Perth doesn't sit well with cunt face and any time she gets an opportunity she has a dig at him. Anyway so months later I happen to mention that Claude got a dog... Her response to this was talking about how gross HE is and that he would be in to bestiality (beastiality) and it wouldn't surprise her if he was fucking the dog... My response to this was, 'Well, he DID fuck you!' Then I proceeded to try not to literally urinate myself as I laughed... HARD! I even did the little joke drum solo of 'ba-boom tshk!' If I didn't crack that joke it would still be shitting me! Point is, when a golden opportunity presents itself jump on it and thrust your hips till you've fucked dry... Or you will regret it! 'Well he DID fuck you!' Baaaahahaha! Classic burn!
Talking about people and thing's in their arse's... How many of you have woken up with something strange in your butt? Now there's no long winded answers here... You either have or you haven't. Me, personally I got through a rather mis-spent youth without collecting anything obnoxious in my butt... I'm sure if I'd ever had a one night stand it would be a different story... I know if I had an opportunity to shove an object up a passed out random persons butt before disappearing into the night... I so fucking would! Not much point doing it to Todd... He would know it was me and that boy has what I refer to as 'prison cheeks' in other words he can clench his cheeks tighter than anyone I know! Myself included!
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^^^ My Dad's face! ^^^ |
Dog food!?!?! Hahahaha. My dog, Arnold (who lives with Dad) buried his food in my Dad's arse while Dad was sleeping! Seriously! How my Dad didn't wake up is beyond me... Why my Dad still sleeps is the buff is even further beyond me! I think he's quite happy to be the dog's bitch as long as he has control over his own bowels! I don't know how, Arnold felt about his nice warm breakfast getting washed down the drain but I think it's best my dog stays away from all forms of crack!!! I don't know anyone who would be HAPPY about having Chum in their butt, but if you'd thought you crapped yourself I spose Chum is the lesser of two evils?!?
Until next time... If you own a dog... Sleep with your pants on!
Love your guts!
Love, Jen xoxo
i freakin' love this! haha.
Holy fuck Jen, that was beyond words. i was covering my face while reading it, trying not to pee myself. Shara knows where u live! stop it! hahahahaha!
ReplyDeleteHahahaha! I welcome Shara and her cum dumpster arse! She's terrified of me! She's convinced I'll kill her... Turns out she's not that fucking stupid after all!
ReplyDeleteMy new favorite phrase of the week is Mongrel Moot.
ReplyDeleteGood coz I've dropping 'Mongrel Moots' left and right! Oh and congratulations! You are my first 'non-friend' (that sounds horrible) follower and the first to comment on my blog who is from another country! Yay for me!!! Thank you!!! :)