Reality TV! Fucking over it! O.V.E.R! It! I don't watch much tele but when I do I watch it to ESCAPE reality not to see so-called 'real people' showing off their amazing impersonations of cock stains and mingers! If I wanna see that shit I'll go to the shops and watch the locals walking around offering to 'rim ya for a dollar'! You can't beat that genuine look of defeat written on their faces! I like my irritating mother fuckers genuine and natural!!! Now here's a 5! Dance bitch! Dance dance!!!
The ideas are getting really bad! I'm just waiting for some reality show about butt hole doctors to come out. Or maybe butt hole dancers! Coz there's not enough dancing shows on at the moment! Got to dance, have to dance, need to dance, no pants dance, dancing with the stars, dancing on cars, dance like your broke and the rent is due tomorrow etc etc!
Which arse doc can examine their partners sphincter while performing an original dance routine!? Find out on the brand new series! Butt Hole Ho-down!
How is he still single? |
So I just happened to see an interview with Mike Tyson... OMFG! Hahahha! What were they interviewing him about? His love for... Wait for it... Pigeons! Baaahahaha. Dumb mother fucker! Apparently he's always loved pigeons and he says that the pigeons 'brought him back from the brink' aaaahahaha dear god! So there you have it! Thinking life is a bit too much and you cant take it any more? Don't slash your wrists or o.d on pills... Get some pigeons! Oh and Mike looked super fly wearing a bike chain as a necklace! Hahaha! Definitely a case of one too many hits in the head!
Bi-winning! |
So apparently one of the biggest insults in Indian is to be flashed by someone... Hahaha. The most offensive of all 'flashings'? Getting flashed by a ... WAIT FOR IT... Eunuch... As in dudes without knobs or balls or however it works. Who also happen to wear women's saris? I don't know if I was consider it an insult as such! Terrifying... Absolutely! Weird... You bet ya! Insulting... Not so much! Unless the Indians know something I don't! Like maybe you can catch "EUNUCH" by seeing one semi nude? Dunno!?! My point is... If you are a Ken doll crotch and happen to be rocking the shit out of a sari in the middle of Bombay... Don't go flashing anyone... Unless they really shit you off and you don't know how to say 'fuck up' in the local language! "Look at my cock... Oops don't have one!" Hahaha! Indian's!
I think I need to fake tan! It's weird... If I'm fat and pasty I strangely have no desire to exercise but if I'm tanned which gives the illusion of being not so wobbly I'm more inclined to work my ass!?! So buns a bronzing i a go go! Oh and the rest of me too! Can't just have a brown ass... Too many questions! Cant be getting myself into THAT kind of trouble again... Hahahaha. Just nod and smile and act like you know what I'm talking about! Check the douche in the pic to the right! He looks like he had a brawl at the Vegemite factory... And lost!!! Holy shit! Hahahaha! Why would he leave the house looking like this?
Until next time... As always...
Love ya guts!!! Love, Jen xoxo
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