Isabelle has been a good big sister though and gave her 'Baby Wogan' her glow worm to make him feel better! She was in the bath last night and asked me to help brush her teeth and I said 'no, you're a big girl, you're 4 now you can do it!' She said 'I'm not 4!' I was like 'yes you are!?' She said. 'No Mum! I'm not 4, I'm 21!' I was like hahahahaha ok then! Looper! Ps She still wants to marry me! Todd tried to call dibs on me but she got mad at him and started to cry!?! I've stalled her for now but she's a pushy little tart (I dunno where she gets that from!?) I'm guna have to plan a mock ceremony of something or I'll never hear the end of it! Hahaha!
My kids may both be nut nut nutty but at least they're not criminals like their Mummy was in her younger years! Hahaha! Seriously! I was quite the little destructo as a kid! Me being super cute was just a guise for a much more disturbing criminal agenda! From the age of about 4 I was committing federal crimes... Why do I get a feeling you're all laughing at me and doubting the above? Well it's true. I was deep into the criminal under world of mail theft by the young age of 4! I love mail! Did then. Do now! Love the shit! So much so that when Dad assigned me the awesome task of mail collector I took the job seriously... And as it turns out, a little too far! I would collect Dad's mail... Along with everybody else's within an eight house radius! Now at first I would just take all the mail to Dad... Thinking I done good!!! But I got in trouble for doing this! God Dad! What's your glitch!? Fuck! Plus he would go and put all the mail back in the neighbours letter boxes! Pffft! Unappreciative! AND counter-productive! After this happened I devised a new tactic! Dad had let me down and I couldn't stop now! I was getting a high that only fellow crim can even begin to comprehend! What to do? How could I fill my need for the illegal but avoid the consequences from Dad!?! I figured I would steal the neighbours mail and stick it down the drain! Hahahahaha. Seriously! Fuck knows what I was doing! This was definitely my most high profile crime but by no means was it my last!
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These things! Fucking loved them!!! |
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And ^^^ those things! Loved them too!!! |
There you have it kiddies! Another Day another blog! Hope you enjoyed yourself!
Until next time! Love ya guts! Love, Jen xoxox
HAHA. You little thief! Love the stealing mail and ditching it in the drains part. Hope Logans ok!