Saturday, 6 August 2011

Boners!? Bargain!

Ok, so if you are a friend on either my personal Facebook page or my blogs Facebook page  you may have seen my status the other night about my accidental purchase of boner medication! What? Yeah... Let me explain! Ok, so I was on Ebay and looking for penis pills or sex drugs or some such shit... The idea was to, hopefully find funny shit to blog about! Mission accomplished! Anyway I found these pills called 'Hard Ten Days' that's not a typo that's what they're called! So I was reading what these pills claimed to do and the listing said to Google 'Hard Ten Days reviews' so I did... So I'm reading these reviews. Most of them are broken English or pretty ordinary. Until I found this one review that said 

"If your wife complained you are not enough strong, I recommend you can try this product, I have tried, and my wife treat me better than before." 

I found that, "my wife treat me better than before" part hilarious! So I was like "Todd! Listen to this!" Anyway, so I'm yelling out what I was doing and what this random dude said, whilst at the same time changing pages and going back to the Ebay listing! My intention was to add the pills to my watch list so I could get the details later for my blog... But what I actually did was press Buy now > Commit to buy > Confirm! Just as I pressed confirm (and I was still talking to Todd at this point) I'm all like "Blah blah blah ahahaha... Penis... Erection... Etc.." Confirm!? Confirm what?! Fuck! Shit! No confirm! No confirm! No no no! FAARK! Long story short... I purchased like 20 boner pills! 

For those of you doubting my story... That's fine. The fact is, if I bought them for a laugh I'd just be like yeah! Get a stiff one up ya! Hahaha 20 penis pills! Good weekend ahead for me! Me purchasing the pills isn't than riveting but I thought my epic failure to multi task resulting in the accidental purchase of 20 boner enhancing pills was an amusing fuck up on my part! Plus it was all for my blog, so really... If you're reading this it's partly your fault! Shoosh! Go with it ok!? 

Just for the record, Toddy does not require any boner enhancing medications but I paid for the shit so he'll be using them!

Now that you know the back story, I can tell you that these pills arrived in the mail today... Luckily for you, the amusement doesn't end with my over zealous clicking frenzy!

As you may have guessed with a name like 'Hard Ten Days' the product is obviously Asian... It's attempt to look like a legit Western/ English product amused the shit out of me! Any chance they had of fooling me into thinking this product was endorsed by the FDA (Food & Drug Administration- AMERICAN) or whatever government body monitors this kind of shit ended as soon as I looked over the box and began reading the instructions!

The bottom of the box says: BIGGER, LONGER, MORE TIME, MORE SPERMS! 
I shit you, not! That's what it fucking says! 
Ok so that's the box... Just in case you can't see it in all of it's fantastic detail... This product is apparently endorsed by the "World Sex Association" (which Google has never heard of) and at the top of the box above the title it says: A GRAIN OF SOON THE EFFECT REVELS ALL NIGHT! Whatever the fuck that means!?
Oh and the eagle in the top left corner is surrounded by the words: GOLD SOURCE LIVING CREATURE... Yeah that's super fucking helpful? Come pet my majestic creature!

The instructions contain some still shots from some porn movies... Just in case you purchased the pills and didn't know what the end result was suppose to be?!? Anyway the cheap stolen porn is seriously the least of my fucking problems! Listen to these INSTRUCTIONS! I'm quoting word for word so don't think I'm drunk or anything ok! The instructions are in bold... My comments are just in regular font ok... Cappish?

The heart attack, high blood pressure all can take the wine takes and doesn't influence result behind have good curative effect to the prostate! So fucking yeah! Clear up any issues? Yeah? Nar me either! NO fucking clue! But wait there's more! As if we weren't fucking lost enough!

What's in it? Lets find out! This product is specially made of many kinds of valuable animals and plants such as blah, blah blah, seahorse membrain... deer antler!? Seahorse what? Deer antler? Like, Santa's reindeer? Does Santa know about this? I highly fucking doubt it! Anyway I've got more pressing questions, like what do these ingredients do? Funny you should ask! I have that information right here! It would make you like a strong man the significant effects on physical or mental prospermia (premature ejaculation), impotence (sad floppy penis), spermatorrhea (involuntary escape of semen, without orgasm... Escape! HELP! HELP! THE SEMEN HAS ESCAPED! SOMETHING SOMETHING GODZILLA?), sexual debility (weak or feeble penis) and any symptoms of kidney weakness (WTF? Why are we talking about kidneys all of a sudden!?)... Great effects on sex let down (If only I had these years ago! Fucking sex let downs like a mother fucker!), shortness of penis (Hahahaha I prefer the term stump cock!) and penis atrophy of the old... (A wasting or extinct species! Why are they extinct? Coz you can't get your dick up! Think about that next time you can't get wood! Mother fucker!" I really should get a job in sales!

It then goes on about sperm and urination... and on... and on... and on... Then it says: taking after drinking wont affect the effect! Multi sex is possible with multi erections! Multi sex? Multi erections? Multi penis? Fuck hey! I should also mention that the penis would be wider, bigger, higher, rigidity. Penis may increase without rebound! What the fuck is penis rebound? Anyone? No? Also, I know I hate it when I drink then the effects of the affect are effected!? It really fucks me off!? I think? Finally, you may wonder what to do if shit gets fucked up... (Excuse the pun)! With clear instructions like these you'd have to be brain dead to fail but anyway should you have any problems such as: multi erection or non ejaculation during sex... Drink cold water for therapy! Simple! No? Fuck knows! But after reading that MY dick is hard! 

Yeah so fucking BOOM erection! It doesn't say anything about how to treat the EPIC FUCKING MIGRAINE you get from reading the instructions though!

Now if you're female or at least 90% sure you're female, like me you may be going well that's fucking great for him with his 10 days boner-rama but how the fuck does that help me and my spastic vagina? WONDER NO FUCKING MORE!!! What's it called? YING DA WANG... I AM NOT FUCKING WITH YOU!!! LOOK IT UP!!! There's a picture below! See? What does it do!? Tell me tell me! Yeah yeah fucking hold the fuck ON!

Uses: Useful to increase secretion of vagina, improve sex desire. After taking this product woman's vagina will began to suck and shrink and women reach orgasm faster. The product is very useful for a sexless person or a woman with a dull and dry vagina....

Hahahahaha! Do I even need to say anything? Of course I do! I am not at all comfortable with the thought of any ones vagina sucking and shrinking! Like WHAT THE FUCKING FUCK!?! If I ever harbored secret lesbian desires, that just totally fucking killed that idea! Thanks YING DA WANG! Also you can call me sexless and you can say my vagina is as dry as a sandbox if you want but I wont have ANYBODY telling me my vagina is dull! You're dull, mother fucker! YOU'RE DULL!!!

So on that note... That's all from me and my NOT AT ALL dull vagina!

Until next time... Here's wishing you all a 10 day erection!

Love your guts!

Love, Jen xoxo

Oh and here's one last disturbing image ...

Do I choose Viagra or "STREE OVERLORD"? I'd go with the Viagra... Unless you wanna turn into a muscle bound evil lizard man! But that could just be me and my dull vagina talking! :)
Oh and I think that big hard brown this is her knee... Which doesn't work... But whatever! 



  1. Hey Jen
    I got given a box of those hard ten days pills to 'try out'!
    I'm too fucken scared to take them in case my cock Stays hard for that long or grows to the size of a semi trailer like their spazzo instructions claim! What if they're right??? My question is do you know anybody that's tried them? If so what were the effects and more importantly the side effects?
    Ben :)

    1. The only side effect I noticed was that my hubby's dick got so hard it looked kinda purple. I think it also gave him a bit of indigestion. His dick was not hard for 10 days... More like a few hours and he hasn't had to get bigger pants to account for his ridiculous growth in penis size as claimed by the manufacturer! Final thought:They are good for a bit of a laugh and some cheap fun.

    2. Hard 10 is total waste of money.. It doesn't shows any improvement...

      For men who want bigger, harder, longer-lasting erections, there's now VigRX Plus™, our #1 best-selling male enhancement supplement.

      Offering PROOF – With 84 Days Of Use VigRX Plus™ Significantly Improves Men's Sexual Performance!

      HARDER, longer-lasting erections on demand
      Erections that look and feel BIGGER to you and partners
      A noticeable INCREASE in sexual desire
      Better CONTROL over erections
      More frequent, more INTENSE orgasms

      In the first clinical study of its kind, VigRX Plus™ was tested on 75 real guys (not lab rats) for 84 days.

  2. wow how did you learn the trash mouth.......all of the F it necessary

  3. In response to the dull as shit comment from 'Anonymous':

    Q: 'How' did, I learn my trash mouth?
    A: Probably the same way you learnt how to construct a sentence!?!

    Q: Was it 'necessary' for me to use all of the F words?
    A: There's about 95 'F' words in this post. I suppose, I didn't have to use words beginning with the letter 'F', but I find excluding certain letters, makes writing an extremely difficult process.

    * Also, I feel it's worth pointing out the standards, I expect from anyone submitting comments and questions on my page.

    Start your sentences with a capital letter. At the end of your sentence, whether you choose to use a question mark (they're awesome, you should give them a try!), an exclamation mark or, in your case, 6 full stops, it is customary to leave a space after your chosen punctuation and then begin the new sentence with a capital letter.

  4. So did Todd take the fuckin Hard Ten days did it work....REVIEW!!!!

    1. Yes he did and Yes they did. It definitely didn't make him hard for ten days but his dick kind looked like an over filled bratwurst... AKA like it was going to bust out of its skin. This lasted at least the entire night. I got these off Ebay, but they are no longer available from there due to policy changes. I say if you find them cheap, buy them for a laugh, if nothing else! Ps Sorry for the ridiculously late reply, Blogger wasn't making me aware of my blog comments :)

  5. From memory, the blog entitled 'VULVA-LICIOUS' has the info you're after :)

  6. Jen your FUCKING awsome!!! Laughed my ass off to the point of tears... Vagina sucking up and shrinking.. only in motherfucking China

    1. Thank you!!! I was between absolute hysterics and being curiously horrified as I kept finding these whacked out products!!! if nothing else I learnt that I dint know half as much about the weird and wonderful as I thought I did!!! :)

  7. This made my
    I'm at work and just staring at a box of this stuff wondering who would take such a
    You should do standup or something

    1. I've actually been told I should do stand up quite a few times... Maybe if I was drunk off my ass and the entire audience was stoned... But, I cant do rehearsed humour... I hear it for the the first time when it comes flying out of my mouth... Which is why I often laugh hysterically at my own jokes coz I'm like... Where the fuck did that come from!?! Hahaha. Thanks for the compliment!!! :)

  8. I bought these at some little corner store by my house. I laughed my ass off when I saw them, but then curiosity struck. A few days later I walked in at around 10pm when the store closes and there's no one usually there buying shit. I didn't want the little asian dude to think I was buying them because I couldnt get it up so I said I need a good gift for my uncles 50th birthday gift as a joke. haha, yeah I felt like such a fucking old man buying them. Anyways I took them went I got home, just to see if this shit was legit. I shit you not they where in fucking sane. My junk is usually just about 8" without these things, but after, it was about 8 1/4", and holy shit, it was hard as a goddamn rock, for like 5 hours! That's some porno shit right there, like some pro boner status! The cool thing was that I could control if I want a full on erection, meaning if I wasn't turned on it was just like a quarter chub.. a massive, packing heat, kind of quarter chub! I was impressed that they worked so well that I went back and got another box. The little asian dude said "They work good huh, my wife LOOOVES these." I cracked the fuck up hahaha! We're practically the most most awkward best friends now. Shout out to my little asian dude for hooking it up!

    1. I wonder how many times he's heard the old "I'm buying them for someone else line"??? I can't get these on Ebay any more so stock up while you can... Just in case they get banned or some stupid shit like that!!! And go the little asian dude and his well boned wife! Hahaha! Great review, by the way... Thanks for sharing!!! xoxo :) Stay golden, pro boner boy!!! Hahaha.

  9. You can purchase these Chinese sex pills at now wait for

    Ying Da Wang goes for 4.50 a bottle of 6 pills...
    I've been using it for a few years and it does as good a job if not better then Viagra. I have a naturally thick wang, ok that was a pun, 6.5" in girth so this pill just enhaces it even more plus it gets it so hard that you can't pinch any skin on it and I'm not in my 20's, matter of fact I hit 60 this year.
    How did I find out about the wonders of the Chinese sex pills?

    414 pages of reviews, side effects, how and when it's best to take these pills, what pills are best taken together and the best, cheapest and most reliable sites to buy from

  10. Holy shit!! I stumbled across this looking for reviews of this particular "boner enhancement" (Yeah Yeah I wa looking to purchase some boner pills for a crazy sex filed weekend with my boyfriend) but oh my fucking god! You are hilarious...I've never really read blogs before because my life has Been fucked enough to be a season of Jerry Springer (minus the incest of course) but you are so fucking funny I'm gonna have to search yours out!! You made my night after reading this and you answered my Original question... your Awesome thanks for the great laugh!

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  13. I thought they worked , I don't care what the clerk would think I bought them t the local . sex toy shop along with a vibrator for my girlfriend , Yes Taiwan Girls have a sex drive , No they are not like they are portrayed in hollywood . And Like most girls they like it when You take a pill and get them into the bedroom , Or maybe I ust get girls like that . However , It seemed to work to some degree , I am 54 If you want to feel younger it works to some degree , But when you age you don't get the crazy erections like a teen age youngster , When everyone is older Its pretty freaking fun and everyone seems to care less. Aboiut all the little zComplications and we enjoy sex .

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